This last week has been fantastic. As a matter of fact, the last, almost, 4 weeks have been fantastic. I quit drinking all sodas. I've only had water save a few grape powerades... and by a few I literally mean 3. I haven't even had a juice. My eating has been almost perfect as well. I've had one mcdonalds hamburger and a handful of fries. That was b/c I forgot to order grilled chicken. The fries were horrible, BTW. Everything else I've eaten I knew exactly where it came from b/c I made it.
23Sept I bought two 16 oz Dr Peppers. I had one about lunch and the other I kept in my car until a few days ago. My wife drank half of it Sunday.
Alright, enough of that. For the last few weeks I've been starting work at 5am and finishing about 1pm. Starting last week, I go straight from the house to the track and walk for at least an hour. My goal was one hour or 5 miles; whichever I felt like. I walked 4 days last week and took Friday off b/c I picked up the kids from a half day of school. I also didn't walk yesterday b/c the kids were out of school, but I did play street hockey with my son for a bit. I managed 4 miles in 70 min (or about 3.5mph).
Last week's numbers:
12Oct 2.65mi 18:47/mi total time 49:42
13Oct 3.03mi 18:57/mi total time 57:22 6657steps
14Oct 5.32mi 19:45/mi total time 1:45 11693steps
15Oct 3.0 mi 19:15/mi total time 57:42 6593steps
20Oct 4.0 mi 17:45/mi total time 1:10:57 8790steps
I am loving those numbers and loving the improvement.