I did ok for this week. I didn't eat excess and I ate mostly ok. I didn't follow my eating plan the way I wanted to and I didn't workout. I don't know why I was exhausted all of this week, but I was.
My measurements are down in some areas. There is fluctuation in others (some is how I measure with the calipers). I'm very happy with how it's going down. I'd like to get to 260 or lower in the next 10 days. In 10 days I'll have logged in to myfitnesspal for 365 days. Now, next Friday, Sat, and Sunday I'll be at the BMX races in Tulsa so I don't know how well I'm going to do with eating, etc. I need to plan that, this week, so I can take food with me and just get the boy food. So we'll see how that all goes. I will probably workout m-th and then take f,s, and sun off for the races. My weight has remained the same despite getting smaller in some areas. That tells me that if I eat correctly, and drink plenty of water then I can drop below 260 by the 365th day of logging in to myfitnesspal - Then by May of next year I'd like to weigh 200 or less. After I've lost weight, I think then I'll go back to doing workouts like the TRX. I *might* start doing 2 or 3 days a week of TRX workouts - the 30 min workouts I have. I don't want to get into working out a lot b/c I get frustrated at starting over and right now I'm having a problem getting to do 30-60 min of walking or stationary bike riding. I know it'll be easier; right now, I'm just so tired it's hard to imagine it getting a lot easier, you know?
All-in-all I'm happy with my progression. I wish I'd stayed 260 from mid February and built off of that, however, getting down to this weight (268) slowly is better and staying off longer. I may do an all out push this week and try to knock myself down to 259 -- that'd be glorious.