Monday, June 16, 2014

TRX - W5D1

Today's workouts were fantastic.  I started the day by waking up at 315 - I eventually got a cat nap and a 45 min bike ride on a trainer (my butt still hurts).

At lunch I did W5D1
Incline planks - I did level 3 - they were not as hard as I thought they'd be.  I liked them a lot.

Hamstring Curls - much easier.  They didn't seem to hurt my calves as much and there's like no pain now

Single Arm Row - simple - I thought it was going to be difficult.

Plank Press - getting down was easy, going back up my arms kept giving out.  Otherwise, this was a great and easy exercise (comparatively)

Side Plank - I was able to do side planks on one side using the trainer, but the other side I had to use the ground.

Pull-up - I did a bunch of these.  I did 5 the first set, then rested for a few seconds and was able to do 3, then 2 more.  These are the Level 1/Level 2 pull-ups off the ground - not a full body weight pull-up.  Remember, as of April 24th I couldn't do one pull-up.  It's been a crazy 2 months.

Mountain Climber - These were incredibly easy for me.  I like them a lot.  I was able to do 15.

I felt like this was a great workout.  I know that if I were alone most of the time then I'd workout multiple times a day to get stronger with my end goal being calisthenics like cali-move (

I am much stronger than I was when I started TRX 13May (5 weeks ago).  I should have been starting the 6th week (the midway point).  Due to the failures the last couple of weeks I'm one week behind.

I am hoping that stepping up the rides to 2x a day (or walks 2x a day) will pump this up.  I've had 260 as my goal weight for a long time now.

I also know, from tape measurements, that I'm getting smaller.  I think I'll also need to step up and do some more TRX workouts (maybe 20 min of Pikes, Atomic Pikes, Side Planks, Incline Planks, Mountain Climbers, etc).  I don't know.

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