Sunday, July 6, 2014

TRX - W6D2 and W6D4 -- and vacation

Somehow I missed posting about two days during week 6.  I don't remember the workouts so I'm not sure what I'd put right now.  I know that I did do w6d2 then did w6d4 on tuesday this last week intending to start W7 on Wednesday.  I did not properly calculate the impact that being on vacation would have.

So tomorrow when I start week 7 exercises it will actually be week 9 of doing TRX.  I don't feel like the two weeks I lost (one in Austin and one for vacation) were a bad thing.  I feel like my body needed that time to recover.

One week ago the transmission went out on my car, so I'm now without any transportation save a bicycle which is hugely inconvenient for the miles of trek to get to civilization so I'll be spending a lot more time on my indoor trainer watching TV and/or on my bike or blades around the neighborhood.  Most of all, I've been doing excellent sticking very closely to 1500 calories or less and I've been slowly losing weight.

This weeks plan is to ride for an hour in the morning and evening
Do TRX at noon
Do some other TRXercises (see what I did there? - meh i wasn't the first) that I need practice with or just love doing like planks, pikes, incline press, incline plank, atomic pikes, pull ups, chinups - only about 8-10 of each of these and maybe not all in the same day.

I think after 9 weeks and a weight loss of 4 pounds and stagnant size losses it's time to kick me in the butt.

I hope that by next Sunday I'll be able to do one pullup or have lost 3 pounds and 1/2" size... we'll see (I don't even know if that's realistic)

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