Tuesday, August 4, 2015


I did crappy logging my workouts and eating for last week.  I got things put into myfitnesspal, but not here.

First, an admission of badness - I ate like complete crap this weekend.  I didn't eat one vegetable that didn't come as a tater tot, quesarito, or at one point a french fry.  I am not sure what I was thinking about, but eating better wasn't really one of the thoughts.  Most of the time, it was just "my wife is out of town and we have no food in the house and I don't want to mess with making the kids food"

Second, I worked out this weekend, but not in my home gym.  I cleaned out my garage and spent about 4 hours doing so in the heat Fri night, Sat, and Sunday.  I sweat a lot and was sore from moving crap around.  I wouldn't say that I worked out vigorously for 4 hours - maybe 30 minutes of vigorous workout is what the 4 hours could be compressed in to.

Third, my body needs to be flushed.  After I eat I have intense heart burn and hiccups.  That's usually due to being "full" in the intestinal regions.  Today was a colaise day and lots of water.  I think when I had the protein shakes that caused some stoppage.  I had plenty of water, but I think there was already the start of a blocker.  This is also evidenced by the rapid gain in weight that I've got going on from 176-179 up to 190 in about a week and a half.  Now, I've eaten crappy, but there's no way an 11-14 pound weight gain happens with me in a week and a half... then I noticed my bathroom visits haven't been productive... so if colaise isn't kicking in then I'll have to call for MOM (update I had to call MOM).

In other news, the bike seat isn't hurting as much as it did the first two days.  I'm not sore when I sit in a regular chair after so that's good too.  I've also been paying better attention to my phone calls while on the bike b/c I literally can't do anything else.

I biked 30 minutes on my call this morning.  I need to get in my 30 minutes of the Pull Up Program and setup the camera to record my doing Cize.

I've outlined my eating plan for tomorrow so I need to make sure I stick with it.

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