Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Day 3 - April 4, 2012

I've been limiting myself to one 20oz of Coke a day. I get it when I first get to the office at 7:30-8. (The pop machine makes it nearly freezing and it's still very cold when I finish it about 13:30). I ate a sandwich today that my hot personal trainer made for me. It was supposed to be my lunch, but I ate it for breakfast. I don't like being around people I don't know in public places - especially when that public place reminds me of the HS cafeteria. Then for lunch I ate the breakfast granola bar. I had an orange for a snack (which my hot personal trainer cut for me and put into a ziploc baggie... yeah she's hot). I have had another 32 oz of H2O (and one 1/2 glasses of tea) or so since 13:30ish when I finished my Coke. Dinner was some taco noodle stuff, almost no cheese at all and a small piece of chicken (4oz or so).

My workout for the day was a 15 minute set on the elliptical with varying degrees of resistance and intensity. For example, I started with a lower resistance for 2 minutes then moved up resistance and intensity for 2 minutes then moved up again for one minute to the max. Then, varying times I move back down and up on resistance and intensity. At the end, I stretched.

My legs were slightly jello, but more than that, this lack of Coke has meant that I lose a lot of the "energy" I had after the workout. I know that will balance out some as my energy increases from the workout and my appetite increases from burning all that energy.

All-in-all I have been more hungry the last few days, but I've been able to stave it off by drinking or eating pecans (I had some sunflower seeds yesterday).

I just weighed myself at 273.8 - I know some of that weight is hold over and after a few days it will melt off.

The workout was quite pleasant while I watched Prison Break (How did I not watch this when it was on TV?). The minutes for the workout seemed to fly by and before I knew it I was laying on the mat stretching (no I didn't fall off the elliptical, it was meant to be this way).

PS - in case I haven't mentioned it, my personal trainer is HOT!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Day 1

I didn't weigh myself this morning, but I'm confident in saying that I'm between 270 and 275, probably closer to the 275, as that's the weight I've been for the last couple of years. It doesn't really go up nor down past either variable for very long.

I had a small bar for breakfast, I don't even know what it was since it wasn't satisfying.
I had one 20oz of Coke - I should just stop, but cold Coke... really?
I had no lunch as I forgot my chicken in my backpack.
I did have 2 fiber pills about 10 am
I had some sort of cleanse (20 drops) and some water

I am unable to have caffeine after 2pm (holy crap this sucks).

I'm extremely hungry and very cranky right now. I want to eat a lot and have some caffeine.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Initial Post

For a few years I've struggled with weight. Most of my struggle has been lack of motivation and being downtrodden from doing "diets" and workouts for months at a time with little to no results.

I'm starting a new regime with My Momentum Fitness owner and trainer Missy Martin ( -