Tuesday, August 20, 2013

The Story of the Snow Cat

This blog is really about my weight journey... I mean, that's what it's called - so I've not deviated from that, until today.  This story was important enough that I tell it in long form rather than a mere Facebook post.

I don't remember much of my childhood, for whatever reason; however, this memory is one of only two that I have kept.  I do have some small memories, but not of much.  This story pertains to a GI Joe vehicle called the "Snow Cat."  http://www.yojoe.com/vehicles/85/snowcat/

What I remember is that I was about 8 or 9 and we (my family) had just moved to Broken Arrow, Oklahoma and my dad had just gotten a bonus or something with the move and the new job.  The details after that are next to nothing.  In order to celebrate, my dad took us to Toys 'R Us to pick out a new toy.  I remember that he said we could pick out anything.  I only wanted the Snow Cat.  I don't know what my sisters picked out.  When we got to the counter the lady at the checkout told my dad that they wouldn't take "counter checks."  Counter checks are the checks you get when you first open a bank account.  They don't have an address or name on them, just a blank upper left corner.  I think my dad argued with her that he had just gotten the job or something.  About the only part I do remember was being disappointed that he wanted to do this one thing but was unable to.  I think my sisters cried.  I probably cried too.

So, I was telling my daughter (Allie) this story some time ago.  She asked me all about it, like she does everything, and I sent her a link to the yojoe site (also referenced above.)  Last week she asked if she could buy something on ebay with my paypal account and then she and my wife worked together to get it.

It is the best birthday present I've ever gotten.  Thank you, Allie!

Monday, August 19, 2013

Day 35 - Fourth Time

I have not missed many run/walk/jogging opportunities lately (we'll simplify this to call them runs).  If I have not run it's been because I've been sick or it's rained...and it's rained a lot over the last two weeks.  However, I am glad that I didn't run for one of the weeks as it gave me time off to recover; and my times have gotten better.  The last two runs I've done I shortened my overall distance by half.  That seems counter intuitive, in a way, however my goal is to run this 80 foot (high not distance) drop then 80 foot rise and the sections in between - once that happens then add a second one.  After that, then go back and do the one long course adding another half and so on.

Before today's run I watched a couple of videos that I think have been very good at describing how to run - I've included those at the bottom of this post.  You would think that having been in the Army for 17 years and being a horrific runner that I would've been able to find people who would teach me how to run...but that's not the case.  I would get horrific shin splints (caused by pulling my toe up just like you do when you march), calf pain (caused by landing on my heels), and I was always exhausted at the end and felt like I was going to die.  About two weeks ago I wanted to improve my form so I would actually enjoy running (which I did from June to October of 2002 when I was able to hit 5 minute miles.)  So I read about how I was heel striking (and I bought new shoes) - so I fixed that and started to lean forward - at the waist which would give my quads and but a great workout; so much so that I couldn't go up and down the steps in my house.  I figured that wasn't right, but I continued.  Then I watched the two videos below and a few on Chi Running...they look awkward, yet smooth and effortless - so I started practicing some of these techniques and today I cut another 2 minutes off of my time - which is pretty exciting.  My lungs were yelling at me wondering what the hell I was doing, but within a few minutes after finishing they felt better than before...and I felt like I had done something (and didn't want to die afterwards.)

I've officially been running since the 14th of June, but I've been much more consistent since the 16th of July (so about 1 month.)  I do try to get out at least twice a day.  My goal is to do something like P90X2  in the morning and run 2x a day - or do 2 runs (one to start the day and one at noon then P90X2 later.)  I eat very healthy; by very healthy I mean mostly vegetarian and almost no cheese at all.  My Achille's heel happens to be Coke - which I'd like to cut out completely.

So, what changes have I noticed the last 1-2 months of running?

1) Well, the biggest change I've noticed is that I look forward to getting out of the house and I don't feel so bad putting myself before work.  As a matter of fact, I put myself before everyone two times a day - this is quite a first for me.  It doesn't matter what goes on at noon I put skype to 'away' then change and go run - I then do the same thing about five pm.

2) I've also noticed my stress level gets down.  I look forward to the run and when it's a more than normal stressor of a day I look forward to the run even more and I'll even count down the minutes until it's here.

3) Because the route I run is semi-secluded the medic in me steps up.  I hydrate better than I normally would and I make sure that I eat something small like carrots before the run.  After the run, I try to eat so I don't get sick.  I spent 12 years not eating breakfasts and lunches then eating dinners.  For dinner, I try to eat in more moderation.  I used to eat a ton of dinner because I didn't eat the rest of the day.  I still eat more dinner than I probably should, but not as much as I used to.  I also attempt to have more salads before dinner and sometimes that means I don't eat what everyone else has - and I don't feel bad (e.g. not well) nor do I miss it.

4) I have more energy and even though I go to bed later and don't want to get out of bed as early in the morning, I don't have the afternoon "nap" feeling.

5) I have a clear head to finish out the workday.  One of the hurdles I had to overcome was the belief that if I didn't stare at the problem for hours on end then I wasn't getting it done.  I have since realized that if I run into an issue and step away (like I used to when I smoked) it clears my head and I usually find the answer while I'm away from my desk.

That's it for today.  I think I've spent enough time on this blog entry :)


Thursday, August 1, 2013

Day 17 - Fourth Time

    Over the last year, or so, I've been "working out" off and on.  A little over 14 months ago I was working out very regularly, and eating very healthy.  Then I became stressed out about a project at the office and then I changed jobs...then I all but stopped working out.  I had just been hired as a new developer (to this company) working from home and felt like I needed to prove that I deserved to work for this company (because I do deserve it and I like the company quite a bit.)  So I slacked off workouts.  Occasionally, I would take 30 minutes here or there and watch a cartoon while on an elliptical, but my workout had become an "occasionally do something more than just sit at my desk" thing.  If any time passes between the end of one of my workouts and when I get inspired to workout again i start a new round...so this is the fourth round...and I'm determined to make it the final round.

    Late on the 15th of July I was inspired to start doing Insanity again... but I did not.  I had planned to start on Monday and I joined a fb group for the sole purpose of doing insanity...instead I did something different - I was stressed out from work.

    Stress from work can push you to your limits a couple of times a year.  It's not always that work is the stressor, but that there is a whole life that adds stress and the one time I especially need not be stressed out is work.  For me, there are a few times a year that I am pushed to the brink.  I have a very chaotic life that I'm unsure how I manage it.  I can tell (that I'm stressed out) because I have an increase in migraine-like headaches, an increase in depression (just wanting to sit on the couch or take naps at night), and a hatred for all things (meaning I get short-tempered about everything - which I do my best not to take it out on people - and I feel horrible if I do.)

    For 13+ years I've worked the same way.  I rarely take a lunch, opting instead to work through lunch so I can get done a little early, which I end up working a little later.  It is only in the last year that I have been forced to set an 730-330 (no lunch) or 730-430 (with lunch) timeframe as I have not had a whole lot of time that I could bill overtime.  I must say that it's been nice.  I've managed to get my days into a 7:30-430 or 8-5 schedule, and take a lunch, and walk/run twice a day (just in the last two weeks.)  I'm very happy with how that's going.  Back to the stress - I felt like I was so stressed out that if I didn't step away from the computer I was going to have a stroke or a heart attack...so what did I do instead?  I got workout clothes on, grabbed my phone, headphones, sunglasses, and car keys then drove to the nearby trail around a local campus and started walking.  Disclaimer: If you feel like you're going to have a stroke or heart attack don't just go walk like I did, call 911 or go to urgent care.

    I was in a zone - I already felt better stepping away from the computer.  From doing yoga at lunch a few months earlier I knew that once I got started my brain would basically stop focusing on whatever I was doing and "clear out" so-to-speak.  And towards the end of the walk that's exactly what happened.  I had run/walked this trail with the kids before (they rode bikes) and so I knew about how far it was and what to expect.  As I neared the end of the session my mind had cleared and I felt a bit calmer.  I was still stressed out (I would almost say burnt out,) but I felt better - I didn't feel constrained...so I did it again later in the day.

    Since starting walking on the 16th of July I have walked an average of about one time a day.  There have been a few days that it's been rainy or over 90 degrees and I didn't feel like it was safe; the path I walk winds down by a creek and has steep slopes so rain can flood part of it...and while a lot of the path is shaded by trees 90+ degrees is still quite hot and I didn't want to have some sort of heat episode and not be in a position to get help (even with my phone right there.)  So, I went out and bought a baby Camelbak - it's actually a Mini-M.U.L.E. which is a kids Camelbak (though it holds 70oz of water) and I purchased these very nice bicep sleeves that hold my phone (I only need one for my workout obviously) that wick water away from the phone.  These sleeves are fantastic!  I highly recommend them - I don't even notice that I'm wearing them and they don't get hot.  They're a spandex material that is very comfortable.


    I actually look forward to workouts now.  I'd still like to do Insanity and/or P90X2 (I just found out today there's going to be a P90X3) but for the time being, I'm liking the walk/runs.  I'll save P90X(2)/Insanity for when the weather gets crappy.  I don't want to add too much to workouts that I lose this drive.  I'd like to continue wanting to workout for a while.  I like the calm that I get after the sessions are over and they're bringing a new level of calm to my work.  When I get stressed out I know that I have x amount of time to go until I'm going to stop and take a break to clear my head.  I've even gotten to the point that I will stop what I'm doing AND eat luch.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

6June13 - Day 31 (3rd time)

I've been eating a lot better over the last month - I didn't really eat horrifically before.

For the last week I've been running 15 minutes a day and actually doing well.  I've completed my runs without feeling like I'm going to throw up or like I feel like I'm going to die.  It's been fantastic!  I've always hated running and now when I run I feel like I'm 18 and I liked running.

I felt like I've been getting a little smaller...so I decided to measure myself. As it turns out I last measured myself almost a year ago.  I copied the following from a previous blog post.

On 13May12 I took measurements with my trainer - 


Nearly one year later:
Weight: 270
Navel: 46.75
Waist: 43.5
Hips: 52
Neck: 16.5

As you can see I have been getting smaller.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Day 3 -- 09may13

I am not off to a great start posting updates.  Today i have been laid up in bed with some illness that causes nausea, fever, chills, malaise, joint soreness, and more awesomeness.

I have not taken a pic today, yet.  im not really in a picture taking mood, but i should do one.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Day 1 -- for the third time (6May13)

Here I am again for another Day 1.

I've had several big changes in my life over the last year. Each change has stopped my momentum in improving my health. Over the last months I have started to change my habits about how work works. For more than 13 years I have worked from the time I started work (7:30 or so) to quitting time (4-6pm) without taking lunches. I smoked for 16 years and during that time I would take smoke breaks which seemed to help cut out burnout. I quit smoking in 2007 and thus burnout seems to occur more often. Now, for my lunch, I take 20 mins or so and sit in the sun eating whatever my lunch is. Mostly, because I don't go outside much and I've decided to get some sun to possibly boost my immune system. After I spend my 20 minutes outside I then spend a few minutes doing some basic yoga poses followed by about 20 minutes or more of what's known as "The Corpse Pose." During this time I breathe in and out slowly through my nose and meditate letting all of my cares go, and let my thoughts go freely. After about 20 minutes almost all of my thoughts are gone and I remove almost all of my stress for the day. I'll do the same thing about bedtime - if I don't do yoga poses I will, at the very least, cover my eyes and breathe in and out slowly through my nose.

So, now that's all out here's why I'm starting another Day 1. I have 7 weeks to drop weight, get in better shape, and be healthier for my trip to Disney World. It gives me a deadline to strive for and something to look forward to. It's not too far off that I won't want to keep going. And it's far enough that I should see some pretty good results.

I don't know how I'm going to look, feel, or what my weight will be, but I'm definitely going to give it a go.

So, here's the deal. Daily I will be posting: pictures of myself, weights, exercises, how I feel, and what I eat. Weekly, I will be posting measurements.

Each day I have carved out 3 hours to workout; not always working out at each of those times, but 3 hours that I will be working out and/or relaxing. For example, in the morning I will be doing a cardio-like working first thing in the morning before I eat. I want to get that out of the way (like Insanity) and then spend some time relaxing and cooling down with deep breathing, etc. Then at noon I will do my normal lunch routine. Finally, after work, I'll do a weight program of some sort (mostly body weight - I've got 275 pounds or so to work with.) This weight program will consist of pull-ups, elevated pushups, elevated crunches, chair dips, and maybe some minor weight lifting.

My meals are going to be primarily vegetarian with protein and vitamin supplements as recommended by my trainer.

My goal for this journey is to be informational for myself and push myself to lose the weight I need to, but more than that be in a better shape to chase my kids for a long, long time.

Let's see what tomorrow holds.

"You only live once, don't live like a bitch" - Joe Rogan

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Day 51 - 5 Mar 13

I would like to tell you that I've been working out, eating right and have lost 20 pounds.  I have finally made time during the day to eat right and even time during lunch to workout.  I've been making that time because if I don't then I'll never have the time; I'll always let work rule when I can eat and workout.  I've been averaging 15 mins on my elliptical daily during the last week.  The weeks before were 20-40 mins daily on the elliptical.  I've cut out almost every processed food except cheese and Coke...and those are about to go away again.

Tomorrow I will declare as Day 1 (part 3.)  I have a goal to be between 190 and 210 by October that's 10 pounds a month.  My goal is to lose weight, which should mean that I'll be healthier as well (through a better diet and exercise.)

This isn't the first time I've been on this course.  As a matter of fact, since 1997, I've been struggling with working out, weight, and more...but it wasn't until I started taking Zoloft in Iraq for OCD that my weight ballooned from 195 to 265.

I've asked my wife for support; and I've asked my personal trainer to put together a plan that involves, but not limited to:
  • foods (and times of day to eat)
  • supplements (and times of day)
  • workouts (insanity, elliptical, p90x2 and times of day)
Again, since this isn't the first time I have a lot of experience with what hasn't worked and what seems to work for me.  What does work is Insanity and P90X.  Not for "muscle confusion" but for ADD brain occupation.  I must not have time to think about what I'm doing or I'm going to get distracted.

In any case, tomorrow I start day 1 and my trek into a smaller, more healthy, and more fit me.  I like who I am, I am just not happy with not feeling well and that I can't chase my kids around the lawn or even run up the stairs without getting out of breath.  And I look fantastic as Fat Elvis.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Day 36? - 19 Feb 13

Well, I started my next phase last month, and then I was attacked by the flu and a pulled back muscle at the same time.  That may well have been the four greatest days of my life.  I've had a lot of stress lately from my personal life (someone I did business with, but they don't care enough to make things right) from the last year; so i'll be taking care of that.

I've been eating like crap lately.  I've been doing somewhat better; but I've found that when I get stressed out I tend to eat more of the foods that release endorphins...If I'm really stressed out and eating carrots, well, I'm healthy, but really stressed out.  I went to the doctor on Friday to work on taking care of that.

The bad news is that without Coke I can't concentrate enough to get work done.  It may be psychological or it may be a real reaction to drinking Coke for more than 20 years.  In any case, I need to be able to concentrate without Coke; my final vice.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Day 2 - 15 Jan 13

It says Day 2, but it's the first day of my actual workout schedule.

I was completely not prepared for this morning at 6:45...and it was crappily cold in my room which made it extremely hard to get out of bed.  I did run up and down the stairs a few times for my workout. I did not do the plan for p90x2 like I had wanted to.

I did make changes to my diet though.  I ate my oatmeal this morning with a whole lot less butter and a whole lot less sugar (1tbs and 2 tsp, respectively.)  For lunch I didn't eat; however, I did have carrots and almonds for a lunchish-like thing.  I had some cheese sticks for a snack at some point.

For dinner, I sucked...I had a 32oz coke and a Double Quarter Pounder from McDonald's.  I kind of forgot about what I was doing today...however, I haven't eaten at McDonald's in around 6 months.

So, I did ok, and sucked at the same time.

When I get stressed out I forget to workout.  Today, I finished something for work and feel a lot less stressed.  When I get stuck on something and I've told someone I plan to have it done by a specific time, I do everything I can to make that happen...which is part of what I said yesterday in my journal entry - I need to remember to take time for me.

Tomorrow, I start anew and will attempt to get up and workout.  I may do 20-40 on the elliptical in the morning while watching Airwolf... then save Tony "Effing" Horton and Insanity for my noon or 4:15 workouts.

I also plan to eat more snacks and figure out what the heck I'm actually going to eat including V8 for the afternoon snack.

For supplements, I'm about done with the 14 day detox and began taking magnesium.  When the detox is complete, I'll begin taking the multivitamin, coconut oil, and fiber.  Once I get into heavy workouts I'll do the coral calcium and some other supplements that my personal trainer recommend.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Day 1 - 14Jan13

The last time I worked out I spent 65 days working out at least 3 times a week.  I ate pretty well and lost about 10ish pounds.  I stopped because I began prepping for an interview for a new job, then studied to stay up with the new job and then I wanted to let the dust settle.

Well, I am very happy to say that I am very happy at the new job and I have been finding that I am finally able to budget time for working out again.  It takes me a while to get into working out, but once I do, I hit it hard.  I'm feeling a bit more motivated this year.  I've set a goal this year of doing different workouts and pushing it pretty hard and putting myself first.  So far, I'm 14 days in, and I've not put myself first, yet.  Tomorrow morning is the day.

There are several changes that are happening with my office and workout areas.  I am moving my office down to the studio area where I also have my workout equipment (and the projector.)  In this way, I will be able to work, then take the time to workout by jumping on the elliptical to think about a particular problem I'm working on - or simply be closer to the workout equipment to knock out some quick 5-10 minute workouts during the day.

So, the trick is going to be getting enough sleep tonight that I will get up at 6:45 in the morning to workout for 45 mins doing some version of P90X or Insanity, then enough time to eat and get my youngest ready to go.

The rest of this week will be getting used to that.  Next week, I'll add a noon workout and an afternoon workout.  This plan is to last 30 to 60 days.  During that timeframe I will be eating very healthy.  My goal is to lose as much size and weight as I can then cut out my afternoon workout and/or my noon workout and eventually replace all with 40 minutes of elliptical in the morning or multiple miles of running (no more than 3.)

My overall goal is to lose 80 to 100 pounds by October.  Technically, it is possible to lose the weight.  Ideally, I would like to be 160-180 by the end of the year and only doing maintenance workouts 3ish times a week.