Sunday, January 24, 2016

W28D0 - BABC

This morning, I read this article. Now, I'm not advocating for trying this - I'm only pointing out that he limited his caloric intake. I'll see if I can find the other studies i've read, recently, that talk about limiting caloric intake is the biggest help in losing weight.
Summary: he limited his intake to 2000 calories and worked out 45 mins a day 5 days a week and it took him 6 months to lose 60 pounds.
A "normal" and "healthy" weight loss. I limit my caloric intake to < 1700 cal a day and attempt 30 mins of workout at least 3 days a week. When I up that to 60 mins (which is up to 5 miles of walking at my pace). I can drop a lot of size and up to 15 pounds a month. I have a friend who walk/ran 5 miles a day for 60 days and dropped more than 50 pounds... but I don't know about his eating b/c he said he just couldn't afford food - so that's not healthy at all.
In any case, I think sticking to a caloric restriction, with good foods, and working out 5 days aweek for six months would go a long way. The problem is the 6 months. If I'd stuck with a plan for six months straight starting in 2008 when I first realized I weighed 284 pounds, I'd've been done. Being fat is killing me. Each day, this last week, I've woke up and said "Earn this" and it's felt great... except the fn seat on my bike.
measurements are coming up later this morning *crossing fingers*

measurements are getting better.  Week one of riding a bike 30 mins a day 5 days a week is complete.  I don't know what my plan is for the week.  Mostly, I just want to ride the bike at least 5 days at 30 minutes each.  I would really like to do 5 days at 60 minutes total.  I also really want to get on a scale and see what's going on; that is secondary to just eating my caloric limit with what I should be eating and working out.

caliper chest3430302830242630
caliper abs3434343836343434
caliper thigh3030323636323232

Monday, January 18, 2016

W26D0 - BABC

26 weeks.  A half year of blogging each week (I think I missed a week somewhere, I'll have to look).  I've logged in to MyFitnessPal 412 days in a row.

Well, Saturday I went to check on my weight and found that the batteries had eaten into the scale - what do you expect after 6 years? So, I am scale-less. The last weight I had was 277 a few days ago. I have a tape and calipers. I'm going to base my progress on those measurements and not get too concerned with my weight. My goal is to push as hard as I can until St Pats Day. I need to be smaller - being this big is literally killing me. I've attempted to push before and succeeded in some cases - this push has to be a good one. I was supposed to start back to school tonight, but it's a holiday. I need to push in order to be smaller, but also to reduce the stress of working full-time, going to school full-time, and then juggling kids.
Still no soda, almost 4 months (like sept 23 or 24 or something). I had a sweet tea last thursday and the caffeine head ache was rough... and I couldn't sleep or concentrate so that sucked.

I'll update measurements later.  They didn't really change from last week which was expected b/c I got in 2 bike rides last week, but not more and I didn't eat as well as I could have.  I didn't eat crappy.  I just didn't eat as well as I could have.  A lot of stress.  But I didn't eat any candy like when I go through the depressive phases before an anniversary event.

Monday, January 11, 2016

W25D0 - BABC

I managed to get through only 2ish weeks of depression before I got back into working out.

You can see that about 29Nov was just before the depressive period.  I was starting to go up slowly.  Around the 13th or so I hit full stride until the 4th of January or so when I decided to get back into working out and so last week I went back to eating correctly and drinking a ton of water a day and worked out 3 times on the stationary bike.  Except for the physical weight, I'm almost exactly back where I was at the end of November.

01/11/16 01/05/16 12/20/15 12/13/15 12/06/15 11/29/15
weight 276 284.4 278 272 270 268
neck 16.25 16.5 16.5 16 16.5 16
chest 40.5 41.5 40.8 40.5 40.5 40.25
navel 45 46 44 44.75 44.5 44.5

hips 49.5 51.75 49.5 49 49 49
thigh 27.5 28.25 27.25 27 27.5 27.5
caliper chest 30 28 30 24 26 30
caliper abs 34 38 36 34 34 34
caliper thigh 32 36 36 32 32 32

In this time, I realized that my depressive episodes are related to specific dates and once I realize that I can make a change.  I'll still be depressed and I crave things like reeses peanut butter cups... a lot of them.  I need to get over the feeling that I am not worthy.  Once I can do that I can break through my wall.  I'm going to push pretty hard this week to get my weight and size back down to that first reading on the right.  I can do it.  Then I'll break through that wall again.

Monday, January 4, 2016

W24D0 - BABC

I did not log last weeks numbers - I knew they would be bad since I was eating everything in sight.

In just about a month I've blown the progress I'd made.  I went from 268 to 280.  I still fit in the size 44 jeans, but barely.  I've gained an inch in most places on my body.  I'm not happy about this - I just don't know how to fix the emotional blockage.

I need to figure out what to do to push through the blocks even if I don't overcome them.