Wednesday, July 29, 2015


It has been smoking hot the last few weeks.  The AC in the house has been keeping the house cooler.  By cooler I mean not the 90+ outside, but 77+ inside.  It's been rough for a guy with a lot of fat, like me.  I have been watching Survivor with my wife on Amazon Prime - I could not have watched this show each week on regular TV - the commercials, waiting, etc.  I also hate some of the people and look up wikipedia to see when they go.  In any case, I'm pumped up.  I challenge myself to some things in life and all of the ones I can think of involve something cerebral.  I've never challenged myself to anything physical except in BCT and AIT.  My only physical challenge has been to do a pull up, one single, solitary pull up.  I want more.  I want to go out in the heat and not be so hot b/c of fat.  I want to go out and be able to do things with my kids like ride a bike up a hill without stopping or walking my bike.  I want to be able to do the things they do at cali-move, or al kavadlo, or frank medrano.  I can do it.  I want to be able to climb a rock wall.  I weigh too much to be on a rock wall.  I want to be able to look in a mirror and be happy with what I see.  I know a lot of my depression and issues with not feeling worthy play into not working out as well as get aggrivated by not being able to look in a mirror and see what I think should be seen.  My thighs are bigger around than my waist was in 1993 when I graduated from BCT.  I don't want to hear stupid shit like "you should be happy with who you are" and moronic crap like that.  I should be - I am not because how I am now is not who I am.  I don't give a crap what others think of how I look or how my clothes fit.  *I* care and that's the important part.  It's time to make the difference so I'm happy with seeing what is in the mirror.  There are so many things that are difficult to do at this weight and size.  Im not unhappy with me and I'm not unhappy at this size.  I am unhappy that I'm unable to do all of the things I want to bc I'm not in shape.

I did mostly well yesterday.  I did not have my full workout plan done until the evening.  I ate ok for almost the entire day then at the end I had Dr Pepper.  So tomorrow, I start over with eating correctly.

I wrote out a workout plan that figures out how to get in 4 workouts most days:
30 min bike ride
30 min cize
30 min pull up program
45 minutes pull up expansion which is done 5 minutes every hour from 8-5

That's a lot of workout for the day; however, none of it impacts my day.  I ride the bike during my conference call.  I do cize and pull up program over lunch.  And every hour I need to get away from my desk and drink water so I take 5 mins and get in a mini-workout.  According to myfitnesspal the total caloric burn is 2359 - and my total intake for the day is going to be a lot less (1200-1800).  We'll see how this goes.  I'm excited to do it, but I'm also apprehensive about it being too much.  However, I figured it up for 4 and 8 weeks.  So all I need to do is push for 4 weeks and then I'll be used to it so then I can push to the 8 week mark.  I can do anything for 4-8 weeks.  After that, I'd cut the exercise time down.  So we'll see how my body reacts during the next 4-8 weeks.

Monday, July 27, 2015


This is the start of my final run at becoming healthier.  I'm not going to add much of anything to the previous post.  I will say that I bought Shaun-T's Cize... I can't dance.  However, I've decided to do something that I hadn't thought of before; I'm going to record my workouts, especially those doing Cize.  If I record the workouts then I'll have an exact record of what I did do and when I'm done.  Then I'll be able to take the footage and show what I looked like starting and what I am able to do when I'm done.  Below is the basic plan.  It's not complicated.  The hardest part is going to be getting started.  Once I've started then this plan won't stop... For me, it's like the walk before you start jogging or running.  There's a point where you're already walking and where you need to be to do your jog/run and then you pick up the pace and your feet move faster and then you're jogging/running.  After that, you don't stop because you're already going.

5 min pull-up plan every hour from 8am to 5 pm
Cize w Shaun t daily
Pull-up Program/Feel Good Full Body schedule daily
Ride bike 30-60 min during morning phone call
Eat correctly following Badass Body recommendations
Drink a minimum of 8 8oz glasses of water
Meditation or Tai Chi and some Yoga
write in blog - weigh daily; measurements once a week; pictures every 2 weeks

Today, the first day consists of doing the first videos and recording what I can currently do.  This includes: pull up, plank, dips, cize, photos, and measurements.  I'll do a comparison with previous results, but only to show the backslide not in reference to this start.  In the last 5 months I've gone from 260-265 back up to 285 and my size has gotten back up (which we'll see below in the table of comparisons).  Essentially, I'm starting over - the measurements and pics will show just how starting over I'm going to be.  I find the following chart to be interesting.

13May127Jun126Jun1330Apr149Jul147Dec1421Dec145Jan1515Jan1525Jan1516Mar1522Apr15 16May1511Jun159Jul1527Jul15
weight270272270284279.4286275.6270.6273.6272 270.8279282285
neck1817.516.516.516.516.7516161616.51616.5 16.516.2516.2516.25
chest4441.54343.54242.542.542.341 41.542.2543.2542.75
navel4948.546.755046.7549.7548.1547.754846.54646.5 45.7546.54850.75/49.25
hips5452.552535052.551.7550.5515150.550.25 5051.255251.5
thigh31.530.528.829 28.7529.2529.529.75
caliper chest2830 26263438
caliper abs3436 32344244
caliper thigh3430 30323440

Jan2010 May2014July201419Jan20152Feb1527Jul15

For a comparison with the last pics - here are the same two pics but with my stomach "sucked in"

Monday, July 6, 2015


I have been wanting to restart my workout program for about 4 months.  I've been depressed, anxious, and a few other feelings that come from PTSD.  I know that this push isn't going to stop and I've been  a little reluctant to start up the workout cycles again.

On July 4th, 2015 I decided that would be my Independence Day against PTSD.  It's not that PTSD won't be with me; just that I'm tired of not doing the things I want to b/c I'm depressed or anxious or generally suffering with PTSD.  I've decided that this means I must eat better and workout.  My memory is really bad.  My focus is almost nonexistent.  My temper is quicker (not as bad as it used to be when I first came back).  My depression comes and goes but it seems like the waves of depression are bigger swells than the dips are into non-depression.  I'm not suicidal, just depressed (tired all of the time, lack of interest in things, etc)... and this depression isn't even close to as bad as my depression was in the past (pre 2009)... I'd call it more like "I need to eat ice cream by the pint".  It's probably unfair to blame it all on PTSD.  There's a lot of the depression and those feelings including focus and memory that I am very sure (but haven't proven) are weight and diet related.  There are studies that show working out decreases depression.  I'm pretty sure not weighing as much would decrease depression as well b/c I wouldn't feel as worthless b/c every time I look in the mirror I see someone who isn't worth much... including keeping in a shape that I'd be happy with.  Don't get me wrong my motivation for this is to be healthier and happier.  I am saying that I think my depression is part PTSD, weight, and diet... not exclusively one of those three.

The Plan
I'm going back to the Pull Up Program and Feel Good Full Body Workouts 6 days a week.  I really enjoyed them and they were done in 30 mins or less.

I'm adding some hourly workouts too so I can get away from my desk for 5 minutes.  I liked these a lot as well and will include pullups, incline planks, incline press, dips, jump and hold.  Eventually, those will morph into hand stand pushups, planche pushups, etc.  For now, just don't them once an hour or every other hour will be more than enough.

I'm also adding a stationary bike to my day.  I have one status call that lasts at least an hour 4 days a week.  While I'm on those calls I'm going to ride the stationary bike (a regular bike on a mag trainer).  All of my conference calls will eventually be done while riding this bike.

I'm also going to start taking my mountain bike out more than once a week.  I usually ride with the kids on Wed afternoons and every other Fri afternoon.  I'm thinking about adding a Monday eve.  When I can't go out (b/c of weather like ice) I'm going to use the elliptical on the hardest setting.

I'm also talking with my wife about my designs for a climbing wall/American Ninja Warrior gym for the backyard (b/c she won't let me build a climbing wall in my office).  It's a good design.  I can't build it so I'm going to have to find someone who can and can do it fairly cheap.

I have struggled with food.  Not because I like eating.  I actually hate eating.  I eat b/c it makes me feel good... until I'm done then I don't feel as good.  It's like an addiction.  I get the high then come down from the high and it feels like crap then I eat again.  I'm against diets.  I don't want a temporarily uncomfortable way of doing things that gets results that won't last.  I want a comfortable way of doing things that gets results (even if slower) and do last - there's no "done with this diet" - I want something I can do and continue to do and like to do.  You would think as much as I like bacon I'd eat it all of the time, but I don't.  I actually don't eat many foods that aren't good for me.  The biggest downfall in my daily eats is the soda (currently it's Dr Pepper).  I haven't had a Coke since March... so I accomplished that goal.

I liked juicing because it was simple.  I knew exactly what I was going to eat during the day and when.  No questions, no figuring it out, no wasted time... just do it, 2 mins later it's done and I'm back to doing other stuff.  I also liked the fact that it tasted great and that helped me cut Coke.

I bought Christmas Abbotts Badass Body Diet book when it came out.  I like how she writes.  I also like the simplicity.  I like it a lot.  I got worried because the book is geared towards women then at the end there's a section on adjusting the book for men.  I've decided to follow this way because it's simple, I can eat the foods I like, and it doesn't feel restrictive in terms of "eat only rice cakes" or "pineapple only diet" or whatever.  I have a list of foods that I like to eat that match what she recommends... and there are a lot of them... bacon is not on the list, but I think a couple of slices after the first 21 days will be ok here and there :)

I will be journaling this journey as well.  I've managed to login to MyFitnessPal for 216 days already.  When that number hits 579-580 (July 4, 2016)  I'd like to be documenting a full year of workouts and big success.

This is about slow and steady.  I'm going to correct the mistakes I usually make where I add a bunch of stuff and excuse certain foods b/c I've been doing well.  I need to regain my brain and body.  I'm hoping that I'll see big improvements over the next 15-90 days to start with.