Wednesday, June 25, 2014

TRX - W6D1

I skipped W5D4 - I'll make that up at the end (in addition to the week 1 and week 4 days I skipped).  The last note I had was the 18th and today is the 25th - that's nearly a week off and it was worth the rest.

My diet has been severely messed up since TN and then again worse since Austin.  Last week, my exercise routine was totally hosed for morning and evenings - though I did manage to get in some stationary bike rides.

Yesterday and today, I've spent a lot of time detoxing and cleaning everything out.

Today, I also ate 100g of baby carrots about 30 min prior to working out; that helped immensely (just as it did the other day).

Incline Plank - I was able to do these quite easily (with both legs in the air, though not walking both legs back, yet)

Hamstring Curl - I was able to get nearly all of them done with my butt off the ground and not resting and I figured out how not to injure my calves

Plank Press - I cannot do these.  I did a scale check this morning.  When I do a full pushup it's about 178/180 that I push (of 285 pounds).  If I do a "woman's pushup," on my knees, then it's 140ish - if I could figure out a way to plank press less weight I'd certainly do that.  I may just have to wait until I do lose more weight before I do these or, as I've said before, I could pick one exercise that I'm not great at or want to improve and do a few extra of those each night.

Side Planks - I completed all of them without having to rest - though I'm finding that my kidney area hurts when I get towards the end of the last 10s hold.

Now the rough part.  I've been watching everything I'm eating.  I've stayed below my calorie limits.  I've taken in nearly 150g of protein daily - my days have been slightly erratic at times, but I've still stayed beneath what my BMR is (2470 cal) - so why am I not losing weight.  It can't be because I'm less active or stayed the same.  It can't be because I'm eating more.  I could go devils advocate and say that I've been eating about 1500 cals and my body is burning more and is not releasing the weight...but that's stupid - if you take in 1500 calories and burn 3000, there's no way you can ever stay the same weight.

So what do I do?  My choice is to eat exactly what I'm supposed to; get in 3 workouts (2 walks/rides and one TRX) daily.  I've printed off about 200 pages of material to comb through for a Ketogenic diet so I'm going to lean towards the paleo/ketogenic diet more.  I've been doing well, but when you have an 800 cal burrito that kind of kills a lot of things - so even though my protein is up there and fats are getting there, there's still a lot of sugars - so that's where I need to cut.

In the meantime, I'm happy with getting stronger - I just need to lose the weight... I'm at 7 weeks of TRX and I've lost some size, but not as much as I want (nor expect) - so I need to crank it up some.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

TRX - W5D2 and W5D3

I only managed one bike workout for about 30 minutes.

I did get in W5D2; a great little workout.  I was flat out exhausted only minutes into the workout.  I had forgotten to eat at all.

All of the exercises were super simple though.

W5D3 - I learned from yesterday's exhaustion and ate about 30 mins before my workout.  I managed 5 glasses of water before noon so I wouldn't feel dehydrated as well.

My shoulder and neck are also quite sore from the bike wreck last weekend.  It hurts enough that I cannot move my neck without feeling it stretch.

Incline Press-I was able to hold the first one, I went for level 2/3 I should've probably done a modified level 1 where I do the level 1, but go ahead and plank when I get to the apex.  I'm pretty sure that's what I did Monday.  I could certainly throw in a couple of these daily.

Plank Press - I wasn't able to do these.  I know Monday I was able to go from arm to elbow, but I cannot get from elbow to full arm extension.  I'm wondering if I can practice these with knees down or in a pushup and I'd be able to improve them.

Pull-up - I did 10 straight without any issues.  I'm definitely getting stronger.

I'm also going to add some Atomic Pikes and Elevated Side Planks to my list of things I can do a couple of daily to improve core and strength.  I don't want to overdo it, so one (maybe 2) of each should be enough.

I did take measurements yesterday - they are not official.  I will take them again Sunday for the official records as that will be the end of my 6th week of TRX.  Not much weight loss at all.  In fact, some more gain.  I figure that in order to kick in the extra burn I'm definitely going to have to get in those extra hours of walks/biking.

I also bought a new bike seat last night.  The other one was quite rough.  In addition I found out that pushing 108bpm will cause a lot of sweat.

Monday, June 16, 2014

TRX - W5D1

Today's workouts were fantastic.  I started the day by waking up at 315 - I eventually got a cat nap and a 45 min bike ride on a trainer (my butt still hurts).

At lunch I did W5D1
Incline planks - I did level 3 - they were not as hard as I thought they'd be.  I liked them a lot.

Hamstring Curls - much easier.  They didn't seem to hurt my calves as much and there's like no pain now

Single Arm Row - simple - I thought it was going to be difficult.

Plank Press - getting down was easy, going back up my arms kept giving out.  Otherwise, this was a great and easy exercise (comparatively)

Side Plank - I was able to do side planks on one side using the trainer, but the other side I had to use the ground.

Pull-up - I did a bunch of these.  I did 5 the first set, then rested for a few seconds and was able to do 3, then 2 more.  These are the Level 1/Level 2 pull-ups off the ground - not a full body weight pull-up.  Remember, as of April 24th I couldn't do one pull-up.  It's been a crazy 2 months.

Mountain Climber - These were incredibly easy for me.  I like them a lot.  I was able to do 15.

I felt like this was a great workout.  I know that if I were alone most of the time then I'd workout multiple times a day to get stronger with my end goal being calisthenics like cali-move (

I am much stronger than I was when I started TRX 13May (5 weeks ago).  I should have been starting the 6th week (the midway point).  Due to the failures the last couple of weeks I'm one week behind.

I am hoping that stepping up the rides to 2x a day (or walks 2x a day) will pump this up.  I've had 260 as my goal weight for a long time now.

I also know, from tape measurements, that I'm getting smaller.  I think I'll also need to step up and do some more TRX workouts (maybe 20 min of Pikes, Atomic Pikes, Side Planks, Incline Planks, Mountain Climbers, etc).  I don't know.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

TRX - W4 part deux - And Father's Day

This week was mostly recovering from the crappy travel week.  This week has sucked, but not as much as the week traveling.

After 5 days I finally got back down to my weight before I left.  I've felt like I mostly wasted the last two weeks working out.  The week in Austin was a flat bust.  This last week I was able to get in some TRX workouts (so not bad), but I feel like I've still not fully recovered from Austin - idk how to explain it, but I feel like my body hasn't gotten rid of everything that I acquired in Austin.  I have eaten fairly well this week, but not great.

Yesterday, before the epic bike wreck (luckily I didn't damage my mountain bike with the "ride" off the embankment), I found a cheap Schwinn for my indoor trainer at a garage sale.

This week, with Missy traveling for her job, I'll be eating exactly what I need to to "fix" my body.  I'll also be spending an hour morning and night riding on the magtrainer then an hour at lunch hugging my TRX.

I should've made more progress with my weight by now and that's a little frustrating, but I know that's mostly b/c I've not gotten in the workouts I've needed.

I did TRX W4D2, mostly.  I need to do the last part of it - earlier this week I was so week and "toxic" - I don't know any other word for it, but my body felt like it was buzzing all of the time and my body just didn't feel right.

Tomorrow, I'll do the last part of W4D2 and all of W4D3 or W4D4 - I'm going to split the workouts up into segments.  I'll do W4D2 in the morning then W4D3/4 at noon.  W4D3 seems like a waste, but I may do that instead of W4D4, idk yet.  In any case, I'll have to give more thought to breaking up the other workouts.  I like to do the workouts back-to-back (meaning each of the three sections all in one workout), however, I'm toying with breaking them up into three sections that are done through the day.  I don't know how this would affect the actual workout.  E.g. will the workout impact be lessened by splitting them up - are they designed to work x muscles first so that when you get down the list you're using y muscles next?  idk, I may have to do some research on it.  I would think that doing all of the exercises split or together would be better than nothing - but idk, I'll play it by ear.

My oldest daughter made me a Sour Cream Peach Pie - it was delicious!

Happy Father's Day to all of the dads!

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

TRX - W3D4

Wow - so tired.  2 days without any coke at all and less than 22g carbs - which is far less than 1 can of Coke.

The exercises today were brutal - like every last bit of energy I had went into these workouts and now I'm exhausted... that's the lack of carbs and caffeine I'm sure.

All-in-all the exercises were good and done well.

Spiderman pushups - still only able to do one or two - something about pushups that's difficult (could be the 200+ pounds I'm trying to push.

Today is day 2 of LCHF - my body is fine except for the tired part.

Monday, June 9, 2014

TRX - W3D3 (nope that's correct)

Because of the horrific last week of travel and that I missed 2 days of W3 I decided to do the two from W3 and the three from W4 this week.  At the end of the 12 (now 13) weeks I'll do W1D4.

Maybe the last week off was what my body needed.  I did today's workout and nearly hit muscle failure a few times - to me that's good and bad news.  The good news is that my body rested, the bad news is that my body rested and now hates me.

Most of the exercises were easier than they were the last time I did them.  I managed to still score 3 pull-ups (the TRX way - not a "real" pull-up).

My diet today was fantastic except for water - and I'm feeling that little water day.

At this point I've managed to hit 1430 calories, 6g carbs, 87g fat, 152g protein, 1020 sodium, and 3g sugar.  That's fantastic!  If I can keep that going through Thursday or Friday I should hit ketogenesis.

I need to absolutely make sure that I increase my water intake - I've had 2 glasses today (not including what I've mixed with protein powder.

On a side note: yesterday I did manage to get in just under 40 minutes of biking.  Today the rain was pretty rough, hopefully it'll be clear in the morning and evening to get in 6 miles total.

I almost gave up tonight during the workout b/c I was so tired and my muscles were so not helping.  I did not, I completed the TRX workout.  Sometimes it takes me a few minutes to get back up instead of sleeping on the floor, but I did it.

I also measured myself yesterday and hadn't gained any size.  I need to go back and reread my goals to make sure I'm going to keep them.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

TRX - Week 4 disaster

This past week has been the worst so far.  The week before I wasn't feeling well and skipped week 3 days 3 and 4 TRX - I figured I'd do them Saturday and Sunday, but I didn't feel well at all (I think it was mostly exhaustion).  I then flew to Austin on Monday morning for work.  From the time I landed until yesterday morning was a marathon of continuous eating.  Everytime I turned around I was being told I needed to take someone else to lunch or dinner.  I did TRX Monday evening hooked to a door.  The first week I started TRX, I did TRX with a door, but not since.  There are some TRX exercises you can't do with a door - however, Monday I was able to complete W4D1.  Tuesday, I was not able to do most of the exercises due to their requirement of swinging etc.  Then Wednesday I spent 5 hours at a restaurant (not eating the whole time but "visiting") - we got back to the hotel so late I was too tired to TRX so I mailed everything home Thursday morning b/c I figured I wouldn't workout Thursday night - something from work would come up and ruin that.

On top of all of that, we didn't once go to a place where I could order just meat.  I was very disappointed - and next time I travel I'll figure out a way to plan meals and not eat the crap that's everywhere else.  I didn't plan that I was going to be forced to go eat everywhere.

I haven't weighed myself this morning - I'm going to wait until Monday morning to see what I can recover.

Not all of this week was bad - The good news is that I wasn't squished into the plane seat - so I have been losing more size (I'll find out tomorrow when I tape).

So, This next week I'm going to make up W3D3, W3D4, W4D2, W4D3, W4D4 - then break and start week 5 the next week.  So the TRX 12 weeks will become 13.

Also this week I'm going to make absolutely sure I do my 6 miles of walking daily.

Monday, June 2, 2014

TRX - W4D1

if you look back at my trip since i sarted trx you'll see that ive missed three workouts (W1D4, W3D3, and W3D4) - i'll make these up at the end of the 12 weeks.

last week I was incredibly tired, overworked, and quite frankly exhausted.  i didnt feel good towards the end of the week - a weekend of bad eating followed by a week of not eating the same as the weeks before and a ton of stress led me into a crappy place.

The last two workouts of last week were also some of my favorites - i am sad i didnt do them and had intended to do them fri sat then sat sun and finally i just decided to start week 4.

This week Im on the road.  ive got the TRX with me and am having to modify moves based on my door hang instead of ceiling hang.  i was finally able to do some burpees (sans harness) that included putting my feet under me and a slightly modified move - but nothing like the begining where i couldnt do any.

I modified the low row to chest press bc i cant move through a doorway.  i do the low row then move towhere my head hits the door, turn around and do the press - dizzying.

I also felt the power of the side plank as i was able to do those and the "body saw" without much of a problem.  the 40 sec each side on the side planks was a little rough towards the end, but i finished quite easily (compared to the first time i tried them).

i have not taken a walk or bike ride due to rain in a while - tonight the machines were packed or i wouldve gone then.  im sure at 6 the machines will be packed again, but ill give it a try anyway.  if they are then ill take a walk around this complex area to equal my walk time and/or distance.

also of note - i was incredibly sore for a few days after my last trx workout last tuesday - that soreness lasted until saturday when it was finally low enough that i barely noticed.